Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Red Siberian Pole Tomato Update

Red Siberian pole tomato seeds
While I've gotten a late start with my tomatoes, and I haven't been the most attentive container gardener this year, I do have an update about my Red Siberian pole tomatoes from Botanical Interests.  I am very pleased with these seeds and hope to be as pleased with the fruit.

My Tomato Timeline

In March I made an early visit to the garden center and chose some seeds by Botanical Interests.  I am attempting to learn more about heirloom seeds and plants (in preparation for my retirement to a country home and a large garden).  I ended up purchasing a pack of Red Siberian pole tomato seeds by Botanical Interests.

Normally, I would have started the seeds in my makeshift greenhouse (a large aquarium in front of an east-facing window) that week in March. But I put the seeds aside and nearly forgot.  Unfortunately, I did not write down the date that I did finally start them.

I started three seeds. Only three seeds. I expected one (or none) to sprout.  My balcony garden space is limited and I thought I'd just try one of these plants. Of the three seeds planted, ALL THREE SPROUTED! Yes, I am internet shouting.  I do not have a green thumb and I truly expected zero to sprout during the first attempt. It excites me that 100% of the seeds sprouted.

On April 26th, I had these three, healthy sprouts and was confident enough that they would continue to grow, that I took a photo of them.

Then promptly forgot about them.

They wilted, I'd remember to water them then forget again. They wilted again, then bounced back when I remembered to water them.  All in all, and in spite of the neglect, they grew very well.

A couple of weeks ago, I finally transplanted them to another pot and moved them out to the balcony. When re-potting tomatoes, I always strip off all of the leaves except the top few and plant them deep. Whether it is accurate or not, I believe that technique creates a better tomato root system and a stronger plant.

Today, on June 28th, this is what these little plants look like.  Despite the continued drought and flood that my gardening style has taken on this year.

What I have learned is that these seeds sprout easily. The sprouts grow very well. And despite the neglectful gardening style this year, the plants are growing quickly.  I am looking forward to being able to sample the tomatoes that this plant is sure to bear.

Related Information

While I purchased my seeds at a local garden center, you can also find them online at the official Botanical Interests site. I really like their collections and selection.  I just need to get moved out to the country so I can attempt a larger garden.

It is also important to understand that balcony and container gardens require additional watering to begin with.  I am convinced that using a self-watering planter has been the only reason I haven't killed off my entire balcony garden this year.  If your life is hectic, or you are forgetful, definitely use self-watering containers.

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